We are Ferra & Ali

aka Francesca Ferracini, copywriter, and Alice Teruzzi, art director.

We are a creative duo based in NYC, working across different clients and countries as Creative Directors at Ogilvy.

We started our creative journey in Milan, then moved to London to then a Pug, and a few years later, we landed in the Big Apple. Over the years abroad, we have gained the unique skill of responding to any pronunciation of our names, so feel free to try us.

For the serious in third-person press bio click here



Ogilvy NY – Creative Directors
/Feb 2022 – currently/ Both

FCB Inferno London – Senior creatives
/Oct 2019 – Jan 2022/ Both

Publicis Milan – Creatives
/Jan 2015 – Oct 2019/ Both

Tbwa Italy – Creative intern
/July 2014 – Dec 2014/ Ferra

Master Art Direction & Copywriting Politecnico di Milano – Teachers
/March 2021 – currently/ Both




Creative Circle